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Current Administration
Contact the President, VP, or Press Secretary for information on membership. Complete the form below to send an email.
Joe Mattessich (President 2024-2025)
Bill Grippo (VP 2024-2025)
​Babe Mongilia: (Chief of Staff/Press Secretary)
John Papa: ( Treasurer/Webmaster)
Submit your information to update your membership profile or to apply for new membership.
Eligibility: Graduate of CPHS or spouse is a CPHS graduate/Former Teacher at CPHS.
Full Membership are CPHS graduates in good standing with dues paid and attend meetings.
Members are CPHS graduates who have paid their dues and are not able to attend events on a regular basis.
Associate members are friends of members who have paid their annual dues.
New Members can send their inquiry to a member of the executive board
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